Spring Cleaning is for the Dogs (&cats)

Spring Cleaning is for the Dogs (&cats)

We all get that spring itch to start cleaning up the house, purging the junk we no longer need and just freshening up the areas we spend time in. So, what does this Spring cleaning mean for our furry roommates? While Fluffy isn’t going to help you scrub and mop, their areas and daily essentials are in need of a good freshening just as much as your garage is.

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Dog Thefts on the Rise Worldwide

Dog Thefts on the Rise Worldwide

As we all know, pet ownership has increased dramatically during the pandemic as people adopted and purchased pets to keep them company in quarantine. But thieves are taking advantage of the high demand for dogs as shelters worldwide continue to have shortages. small and easy-to-grab breeds and puppies are being stolen by heartless thieves and then resold to unaware parties.

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1,400 Deaths Linked To Seresto Flea Collar

1,400 Deaths Linked To Seresto Flea Collar

The popular flea and tick collar, Bayer’s Seresto collar, has now been linked to over 1,400 deaths in both dogs and cats. Dog owner, Rhona Bomwell, purchased a Seresto collar for their 9-year-old Papillion for the first time. The next day, Pierre the Pappillion had a seizure and collapsed while his mom was making dinner.

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